The Air Breathing Battery


Our Products

Who is buying and using our products?

Initially, the focus will be on B2B customers such as battery system providers. End users are their customers, i.e. private households with PV as well as operators of EV charging stations that require buffer storage. In addition, there are industries with ESS requirements and utility companies. In close cooperation with our customers, we constantly adapt the requirements to the needs of the end users.

Business model: ethicall and environmentally friendly

The stationary energy market is ideally suited to get started with this technology. We will sell ABBy battery cells for stationary home storage and industry. With constant further development we can e.g. grow into electromobility. Our value proposition is the safe, affordable, non-toxic battery for energy self-sufficiency solutions that is ethically and environmentally produced and pays off well.

Rapid growth on a stable basis

HILABS can grow quickly because we have a viable concept through careful planning and strategic outsourcing. In the future, the license model will make a significant contribution to growth. We generate income 1. through the sale of battery cells and 2. through the licensing of patents.

ABBy meets the legal requirements

Batteries have to meet strict standards and regulatory requirements. ABBy is rigorously tested to the following standards:

  • UN 38.3: Test series for safety during transport
  • IEC 62619: Contact interruption in the event of excess temperatures
  • VDE AR 2510-50: Consideration of thermal, chemical, mechanical effects on air supply filters, maintenance, IP protection class
  • VDE-AR-E 2510-2: Reverse polarity protection
  • EN 50272-2: Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery systems