Haq Innovation LABoratorieS. Developer of the rechargeable zinc battery ABBy


HILABS has developed the rechargeable zinc battery ABBy. There is no directly comparable competing product. The lithium and cobalt-free HILABS battery ABBy has a high TRL maturity level and is scalable. It is recyclable, cost-effective, safe and environmentally friendly. HILABS sees itself as a constant optimizer and developer of innovative solutions. ABBy is the flagship that is perceived by experts as a potential game changer.

Our mission. Our task.

We see it as our mission to revolutionize the energy storage market by making batteries available to private households and industry that are inexpensive, safe, clean and environmentally friendly. This will significantly support the energy transition, decarbonization and the fight against climate change. As a result, everyone will be able to afford their own private battery storage in the future.

HILABS offers the solution for the energy transition

The energy transition requires a new type of battery technology that is free of lithium, is cost-effective, safe and ecological. The ABBy battery cell provides an answer to this question. It is based on zinc technology. With this battery cell it is possible to create a truly sustainable battery system.

Status quo – what we are proud of

After 7 years of laboratory experiments the “proof of concept” was achieved.

2019 HILABS GmbH was awarded with the first prize of the foundation “Energie & Klimaschutz“. Classified as TRL 6, the cells are now close to serial production (regarding performance, energy & materials). The entire production chain of a battery cell is successfully mapped in our laboratory – from raw material to the finished cell. We use robots for the automation of many processes and manufacture many cell components by 3D printing. For the “Proof of Market” long-term tests with multiple cell batteries are currently running! 7000 charge-discharge cycles have been achieved and the goal is to achieve more than 10,000 cycles and thus a lifetime of 25 years and more.

What makes us different from our competitors

Solar storage devices from main suppliers are based on Li-ion technology – they are expensive and have a safety problem (fire risk), as well as contain the conflict materials lithium and cobalt. Others offer short-live, low-cost lead-acid batteries. Competitors in zinc battery technology are in the research or prototype phase or are not scalable. There is no competing product to the HILABS ABBy battery with a high TRL maturity level that is simultaneously scalable, recyclable, cost-effective, safe and environmentally friendly.

The makers at HILABS

Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Manan Haq is an inventor and maker. A south asian “Schwabe”; almost half of life in the “Ländle”. He gets to the bottom of questions, he creates innovative solutions. He is a developer, researcher and inventor in the fields of aerospace technology, special machine construction and electrical energy storage. With a strong focus on lightweight construction.

His trademark: Interdisciplinary working method with project ideas that include a variety of domains and disciplines.

The Team

Dr. Manan Haq – CEO

  • Management and business development
  • Industrialization battery production
  • Customer and strategy
  • Aerospace and energy storage

Dr. Wadood Haq – CTO

  • R&D technical development
  • Liquid anode
  • Customer and strategy
  • Computer scientist & biologist

     Anke Glaßbrenner-Schneider

    • Pilot Project Management
    • Supply chain
    • Grant Management

We are pleased to have an outstanding Advisory Board to advise us. We are in constant exchange with:

Advisory Board

  • Waldemar Epple (Chairman of Board AEN)
  • Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weismüller (CEO DEENO, KIT)

Partners / Supporters

  • AEN
  • ASD-Sonnenspeicher GmbH
  • AXEL – der Energie-Accelerator
  • BauArt GmbH
  • DeenO
  • EKF-GmbH
  • ESF
  • energie e.V.
  • Grillo
  • ISC
  • Land Baden-Württemberg
  • TSK-Konstruktion
  • ZSW

Comments about HILABS and ABBy

“Startup-investors watch out!”

“A great achievement and an alternative to other battery systems that rather involve the environment and children, that are enforced to work.”

“An important milestone for the battery breakthrough. Keep forward-going!”

“That’s great. Seems like it will provide a new revolution in the UPS industries. And it could be utilized in solar panels – a UPS in poor countries for their electricity needs.”

“Congratulations. I am sure that such batteries with long lifespans can have a huge impact in rural African communities to help with their electricity problem.”

One of our most promising energy startups!! Congratulations Dr. Manan Haq 🙂

“Startup-investors watch out!” Mike Rausch, Managing director Fokusenergie

“A great achievement and an alternative to other battery systems that rather involve the environment and children, that are enforced to work.”

Georg Henrich, Privatdozent Raumfahrrelevante Plasmen, Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme

“An important milestone for the battery breakthrough. Keep forward-going!”

Christos Klamouris, AXEL – The Energy-Accelerator

“That’s great. Seems like it will provide a new revolution in the UPS industries. And it could be utilized in solar panels – a UPS in poor countries for their electricity needs.”

Mubashar Ahmad, Systems & Network Engineer at Llot

“Congratulations. I am sure that such batteries with long lifespans can have a huge impact in rural African communities to help with their electricity problem.”

Shaif Abakah, University Hohenheim

((Folgende Statements fehlen noch: AEN, Bauart usw….. (TBD)))

We think big

We are establishing ourselves on the German market and are using it as a launch pad for markets in Italy, Spain and France. We are rapidly upgrading the business to become an international player with firm ambitions and want to move to the UK, India, China and Africa. 80-100% of the value chain of batteries are to be brought to Europe. 400-600 jobs are to be created at HILABS itself and an estimated 3000 jobs in the upstream and downstream value chain.